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hoveredHitRaycastHitRaycastHit from XRRayInteractor. it should send to EzDimStarter.hit
rayInteractorXRRayInteractorFeed this input field by XRRayInteractor from one of VR controller
primaryButtonPressPrimaryButtonEventEvent for primary button press
CreatePointToPointDimension()IEnumeratorUsing this part of code while creating PointToPointDimension .
CreateLinearDimension()IEnumeratorUsing this part of code while creating LinearDimension .
CreateAlignedDimension()IEnumeratorUsing this part of code while creating AlignedDimension .
CreateAngleDimension()IEnumeratorUsing this part of code while creating AngleDimension .
CreateAreaMeasure()IEnumeratorUsing this part of code while creating AreaMeasure .
VR_EzPointToPointDimension()MethodCall this void to create PointToPointDimension when using VR input
VR_EzLinearDimension()MethodCall this void to create LinearDimension when using VR input
VR_EzAlignedDimension()MethodCall this void to create AlignedDimension when using VR input
VR_EzAngledDimension()MethodCall this void to create AngleDimension when using VR input
VR_EzAreaMeasure()MethodCall this void to create AreaMeasure when using VR input
VR_HighlightHoveredDimension()MethodThis void will call when using VR from EzDimStarter using gameObject.SendMessage()
VR_SelectDimension()MethodThis void will call when using VR from EzDimStarter using gameObject.SendMessage()